The firm has developed and implemented its own BMS (called SIGEP), especially
designed to be applied in developing countries. Based on Fuzzy Sets Theory, it
helps to prioritize investments for the management of bridge networks based on
information given (typically scarce in those countries).
The implementation of this low cost BMS is simple, it is triggered with little
information, and accepts the addition of information to improve its recommendation
for management.
Official authorities can modify the main parameters by which the prioritization is made.
The SIGEP was implemented to manage the main network
of bridges in Guatemala, joined with a system for road
management and based on a GIS.
Implementation of a BMS (Danish system) in Uruguay, to manage the main network of almost 500
bridges. The firm was responsible for the inspection an evaluation of 300 bridges all along the
country and of the load capacity evaluation of 15 bridges.
Advising on Bridge Management Systems for the Departments
of Transportations of four states in Argentina: Buenos
Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe and Neuquén, as part
of the program supported by the World Bank.
Development and implementation
of a bridge maintenance and rehabilitation system for
Autopistas del Sol, a concessionaire
that administrates more than 130 existing bridges that
were almost at the end of their service life.