The Firm

The structural engineering firm del Carril - Fazio Civil Engineers was established in January 2007 by engineers Tomas del Carril and Javier Fazio, as a continuation branch of del Carril, Fontán Balestra and Associates, acting on the engineering market since 1985, where both owners were partners since its founding (del Carril) and since 1999 (Fazio).

The partners have an extensive professional experience, with uninterrupted action on structural engineering issues since 1970 (del Carril) and since 1983 (Fazio). Since its beginnings in the profession, both worked for various consulting firms, as chief engineers and project managers.
The experience in the design and supervision of all types of structures, with particular emphasis on the design and calculation of bridges, enabled them to an advanced professional development and the participation in projects of growing importance and magnitude. His versatility and creativity were put at the service of national and international agencies, public and private companies, consulting firms and other engineers and architecs, to solve special problems that posed unconventional challenges to the structural adviser.


The firm develops a wide range of activities related to resistant structures in large engineering projects, ranging from advice at the initial stages, the development of the design and complete documentation of the project, until the technical supervision of works.
Professionals at the firm earn extensive experience in structural design works such as bridges, airports, railway crossings, piers, dams, works to protect margins, stations and tunnels for underground lines, works of architecture, industrial buildings, engine foundations, anti-seismic design, treatment plants, storage facilities, tanks, silos and similar works.

Also outstanding is the activity related with the study of structural pathologies, the assessment of structural safety of existing buildings and the proposal of solutions to complex problems of rehabilitation, ranging from previous studies and analysis of alternatives to the final design of strengthening or structural modifications. Works of this type allowed the recovery of important pieces of the architectural, artistic and historical heritage of the country.

Other Activities

Beside with their professional tasks, the partners conducted activities related to the institutional growth of the structural engineering, actively participating in the National Academy of Engineering, the Association of Structural Engineers, the Centre for Research in Safety Standards for Civil Works and the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Buenos Aires.

Some Outstanding Works

The following list shows some of the designs developed by del Carril - Fazio Civil Engineers, selected by its complexity and diversity:

• Puente Reconquista – Goya sobre el Río Paraná
• Sistema de Gerencia de puentes de la República de Bolivia
• Nuevo puente de la autopista Rosario – Santa Fe sobre el Río Salado
• Estribos y puentes de acceso para el segundo puente sobre el Canal de Panamá
• Ensanche de la Av. General Paz entre Av. Libertador y Acceso Norte, incluyendo los puentes Zapiola y Superí
• Sistema de Gerencia de puentes de la República de Guatemala
• Sistema de Gerencia de puentes de la R.O. del Uruguay
• Infraestructura del nuevo puente La Noria sobre el Riachuelo
• Rehabilitación de viaductos y puentes principales del complejo Zárate - Brazo Largo
• Sistema de gestión de puentes para Autopistas del Sol
• Pasarelas y miradores para el Parque Nacional Iguazú
• Estaciones de subterráneos Tronador y Av. de los Incas de la línea B de subterráneos
• Estaciones Olleros, J. Hernández, Juramento y Congreso de la línea D de subterráneos
• Estación Libertador del Tren de la Costa
• Pozos de acceso y cámaras del túnel Saavedra-Morón
• Estudio de seguridad estructural de la sede central de la AFIP
• Reparaciones y refuerzos de la sede de la Procuración General de la Nación
• Reparación del muro testero de la Catedral Metropolitana
• Estructuras temporarias para grandes espectáculos (M. Jackson, Madonna, Paul McCartney, entre otros)
• Modificaciones en Cine-Teatro Gran Rex
• Rescate del Mural "Ejercicio Plástico" de David Alfaro Siqueiros
• Reparaciones y refuerzos en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
• Puesta en valor del Teatro Colón de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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Projects: Bridges - Dams and Hydraulic Structures - Ports and Piers - Airports - Subways - Retrofit of Historic Buildings - Buildings - Bridge Management
- Structural Retrofitting - Special Structures

© 2008 del Carril - Fazio | Civil Engineers